
If you do more than a couple of the things on this list, then your barista probably despises you.

Complain About Prices

The coffee shop employees don’t set the prices. They can’t change the prices. They don’t care if you think the prices are unfair, and they aren’t required to debate the prices or explain the complexities of global trade to you.

Complain About Having to Wait

The line won’t move any fast if you complain about it. All you’re doing is making the employees more stressed out about the wait. If you come at a busy time, then there’s going to be a wait. Deal with it.

Pour Liquid in the Trash

Most baristas will tell you that nothing makes their blood boil like a customer pouring hot coffee in the trash. If you need room for cream and sugar, tell the barista. And if you don’t finish your drink, pour it out! Throwing liquid in the trash creates a nightmare for employees when they need to take it out to the dumpster.

Stare Like the Baristas Are Zoo Animals

Staring while someone makes your drink is rude and weird. Do you think they’re going to go faster? Are you expecting a show? Just look at your phone while you wait like a normal person.

Refuse to Answer Simple Questions

Your barista isn’t trying to interrogate you. They just need to know what size drink you want, or whether you want it iced. If you ignore their questions for whatever reason, they can’t make your drink properly.

Leave Trash on the Counter

Would it really be that hard to pick up your straw wrapped and put it in the trash? If you make a mess, clean up after yourself.

Order While Talking on the Phone

Wait to get in line until you’ve finished your very important phone call. Talking on the phone while ordering is rude and makes the whole process take a lot longer.

Make a Huge Deal About Tipping

Tipping is great! Waiting to throw a dollar in the tip jar until the barista makes eye contact with you? That’s less great. So is sarcastically snapping, “You’re welcome,” afterward.

Demand Secret Menu Items

Maybe your coffee shop has a secret menu. Maybe it doesn’t. But unless you know the exact recipe you want, don’t just whisper the name of a drink like it’s a magic spell. Most employees won’t know how to make it.

Make Changes to Your Order After the Fact

The biggest culprit here is asking for a coffee to be iced after the barista has already started making your drink. Asking for an ice water at the counter instead of the register is also annoying for the employees. But the worst thing you can do is ask for something at the drive-thru window.

Tell Them Your Name Is Batman

This is not charming or whimsical. The barista is not going to think you are funny. They will write Batman on your drink because they have to, but they will absolutely hate you while doing it.