
Financial Tips Every Adult Needs to Hear

Financial Tips Every Adult Needs to Hear

Some people take their financial knowledge for granted. For some young adults, their knowledge of real finance tips might be fleeting at best. The worst part is, these younger adults often don’t even know that they have huge gaps in their knowledge. To help such people along, today we’re going …

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How Far Can You Stretch a Dollar?

How Far Can You Stretch a Dollar?

We all know the old schoolyard joke. “That guy’s so frugal, he’ll stretch a dollar so far the ol’ George will shout ‘uncle!’” When you’re hard-up on cash and trying to make your budget work, however, it’s good to know how to make your dead presidents ask for a bit …

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Credit Score Basics: Why it Matters

Credit Score Basics: Why it Matters

If you’re a younger person just coming into your own financially, or just someone who hasn’t needed to borrow much money, credit scores may seem like a mystery. However, there’s a lot you need to know about credit scores if you ever plan to take out any loans or spend …

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Things You Can Avoid to Start Saving Money Today

Things You Can Avoid to Start Saving Money Today

When your paycheck gets deposited in your account, it can be tempting to turn around and blow a ton of your money on random stuff. After all, it’s your money, why shouldn’t you get to enjoy it? However, this is a way to quickly let your spending get out from …

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Saving for Retirement: The Sooner, the Better

Saving for Retirement: The Sooner, the Better

If you’re a younger person, it can be easy to write off the concept of saving for retirement. Many people in their 20s feel as though they’ll likely never retire. The combination of the 2008 financial crisis, the shrinking middle class, and vanishing social security benefits paint a bleak picture …

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Staying Out of Debt: Best Practices and Smart Tips

Staying Out of Debt: Best Practices and Smart Tips

No one wants to be in serious debt, but it seems like everyone owes someone. Whether that’s for their car, their house, their credit card bills, or their medical expenses, there are millions of people in debt. And, while debt isn’t inherently a bad thing, if you have too much, …

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Is it Possible to Save Money When You’re Broke?

Is it Possible to Save Money When You’re Broke?

When you’re dead broke, the concept of saving money can sound like a cruel joke. How are you supposed to save when you barely make it from paycheck to paycheck? Believe it or not, though, most people can actually save way more than they think they can. Even if you’re …

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Bad Money Habits That Are Making You Broke

Bad Money Habits That Are Making You Broke

I am certainly no stranger to bad money habits, and I’m sure you’re not either. However, these bad money habits can wind up costing you even more than you think. In fact, if you don’t take action towards changing for the better, you could wind up really broke. Here are …

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