Saving money on airfare can be a great way to have extra cash to spend at your destination, but wading through all the options online can be daunting. On top of that, flight prices can be unpredictable, fluctuating constantly. If you’re trying to be frugal and save some money on …
Read MoreWhat’s not to love about the Caribbean? Between the sun, the sand and the clear blue water, Caribbean islands seem every bit like paradise on Earth. The only downside is that they can get a bit expensive to visit! Here are some of the best affordable Caribbean destinations you can …
Read MoreIf you’re trying to travel the world on a budget, hostels can be your best friend. They’re typically a fraction of the cost of hotels, but there are definite pros and cons to staying in hostels. What Is a Hostel? Hostels are more like college dorms than traditional hotels. You …
Read MoreIs a trip to the most magical place on earth on your bucket list? Visiting Disney World in Orlando is a once-in-a-lifetime trip for some of us, so here’s how to make the most of your vacation! Stay Hydrated Ice water is always free at the park, so bring a …
Read MoreDeciding to set sail on your first cruise can be really exciting, but it can also be really intimidating. With so many ships to choose from and all of the packages available for purchase, there’s a lot to consider. On top of that, there are some parts of traveling by …
Read MoreThe road trip is an American institution. And with gas prices this low, it’s a great time to get in the car and head off. Here’s what you need to know to have a fun, safe trip! Car Maintenance You should always get your car checked out before you set …
Read MoreIt’s highly likely that any traveler out there planning a trip will wind up on TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor is arguably the largest travel platform out there, with over 315 million users. It provides users with recommended restaurants, hotels, tours, and flights, among plenty of other things. On the surface, the site …
Read MoreOne of the biggest expenses when traveling always ends up being your accommodations. On top of being a large part of the budget, a good (or bad) hotel can make or break your vacation. That’s why finding the best hotel for the best price is so important when planning your …
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